
Morningside Retirement Ringers Buck Horseshoe Trend

Morningside Retirement Ringers Buck Horseshoe Trend

By most accounts, the game of horseshoes is not as popular as in decades past, but you wouldn’t know it when you see the 17 hardcore horseshoers in the league at Morningside of Fullerton retirement community. Art Black is the reigning ringer for pitching the 2.5-pound...

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Welcome Back to Morningside of Fullerton

Our approach to COVID-19 health and safety processes at Morningside remains intentional, putting the well-being of our residents and employees first. Morningside’s activities, events, and dining venues for residents are all operating at capacity. These include our:...

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Lady Pool Sharks Rack ‘Em Up

Every week you’ll find an unlikely group around the billiards tables at Morningside of Fullerton retirement community. Ladies weren’t known to frequent pool halls back in the day, but now the half-dozen female residents chalk up their cue sticks and rack ‘em up for...

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From Retirement Community to H.S. Math Classes

From Retirement Community to H.S. Math Classes

Most adults would need to knock off some rust to remember the complexities of high school math classes. For Morningside of Fullerton resident Steve Jennings, he welcomes the challenge with open arms. Two to four mornings a week, Steve Jennings gets up early at his...

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Days in the Month of November

During the month of November, thoughts turn toward the beginning of winter and the holiday season. It is the month that is named for the ninth (Novem) month in the early Roman calendar that was, and still is, a social time of...

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The “Winterfylleth” Month of October

During the month of October, autumn comes into full swing. In the ancient Roman calendar, October was the name of the eighth month of the year. Its name comes from “octo,” the Latin word for “eight.” When the Romans converted to a 12-month calendar, they tried to...

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The Mellow Month of September

Written by: Diana Blidy During the mellow month of September, we say goodbye to summer and welcome fall. The name “September” derives from the Latin root “Septem,” meaning seven because this month had originally been the seventh month in the early Roman calendar. We...

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