What Should I Do While I’m On a Waitlist?
Waiting for your residence at a Life Plan Community like Morningside of Fullerton can be an exciting experience; you’re probably thrilled to start living in your new home and further familiarize yourself with the community. While you’re waiting, however, you can...
Friends reunited after half a century, half a world away in OC
[Morningside is proud to see residents and team members featured in the media and stories like this one courtesy of The Orange County Register.] Friends reunited after half a century, half a world away in OC Column: Schoolgirls in Taiwan find each other again in...
Watch our Interview on Montel Williams’ Show!

Veterans Day Ceremony Pays Special Tribute to Residents and Former Soldiers
A crowd of around 200 joined in the official song for each branch of the U.S. Military this past Veterans Day at Morningside of Fullerton. In all, 56 residents who served our country were honored. The ceremony also included patriotic pledges, visual tributes, poems,...